Adding value to the Municipal Manager

30 June 22

According to the Municipal Finance and Management Act, Municipal managers are to act as accounting officers, which simply means, they are responsible for managing the financial administration of the municipality. Municipal managers have to ensure that resources are used efficiently, proper financial records are kept up to date and standard, and are responsible for and must account for all bank accounts of the municipality.

The multi criteria assessment framework within our prioritisation module, enables a municipal manager to demonstrate evidence based alignment between the administrative and technical priorities.

By implementing CP3, the municipal manager can employ an overview of the monthly service delivery progress, which puts him/her in a position to not only have a defendable budget but also to allocate resources more efficiently with this foresight. With the oversight of this service delivery progress, you are in a position to produce strategic outcomes reporting together with dashboards that present near real time data to your mayor, mayoral committees, executive council and beyond.

Contact us for more information and we can set up time together to discuss ways in making your municipality run more innovatively!

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