Spatial Planning (spatial targeting) in South Africa is intimately linked to urbanisation and infrastructure development. Spatial planners are responsible, amongst others, for the development of Spatial Development Frameworks; a core component of the Integrated Development Plan, but more so, the spatial representation of how municipalities will guide development, service delivery and economic growth.
The spatialisation of capital projects is a key component to give context to the qualitative and quantitative responses to the spatial priorities – a vital function that the SDF is responsible for. CP3, our bespoke software, enables your department to identify capital projects spatially, and show how such projects responds to the spatial development priorities and ultimately the Priority Development Areas of a municipality.
The incorporation and entrenchment of spatial data to the strategic decision making process allows for evidence based spatial targeting leading to more accurate and logical decision making, resulting in the ability to better communicate investment patterns, strategies.
Spatial planners have the responsibility to guide limited investment resources to locations which will boast the most impactful results. CP3 facilitates the very first step to making such decision responsibly – spatialising capital investment.
Contact us for more information and we can set up time together to discuss ways in enabling your Department with a spatial lens, equipping you to make the right decisions.
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