Adding value to Engineering Services

8 June 22

The Engineering Services Department is responsible for amongst others the planning, design, implementation, operations and maintenance of all municipal engineering services. The office of the Director of Engineering services performs an overarching function of directing the individual divisions to plan their business in such a way that it meets the department’s overall goal of fully integrated development and with clear outputs that satisfy the municipal strategies and objectives. Having a long term overview and planning mechanism in this office, will prove to have a significant impact on the operations. CP3 enables all capital projects to be located in one centralised data repository, providing a total view of all capital needs – current and future.

Engineering deadlines are critical and the consequences of missing these deadlines can be severe. It was observed in a metropolitan municipality that uses CP3, their data collection is standardised, resulting in an overall time reduction of 36%. This means that the same amount of work can be done in a month, by only 64% of the workforce, ensuring that deadlines are met.

Engineers need to have the an oversight on long term planning and the project pipeline to ensure that they can adhere to the municipal’s infrastructure growth. By having one centralised data repository, engineers will be in a better position to plan strategically without missing out on any information.

Contact us for more information and we can set up time together to discuss ways in making your municipality run more efficiently to provide excellent service delivery.

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